fredag den 4. maj 2012

Classic bodyweight exercises for training at home - Hindu pushup

Classic bodyweight exercises for training at home - Hindu pushup

While a bit cheesy, the above video clearly demonstrates one of the best exercises for training at home: the hindu pushup. It is one of the best bodyweight exercises you can do at home and one of my favourites.

It's a basic push up that uses a lot more of the shoulder complex than normal. Because you have your hands under your shoulders, the exercise is very triceps-centric. Due to the moving back and forth, you really engage the shoulder and upper back.

Workout program for exercising at home

A workout program for exercising at home could be 5 sets of 10 reps combined with some hindu squats, which I will be covering soon. The hindu pushups should work your entire upper body and the hindu squats will work the lower body and your balance. Of course, as always it is important to start out slow, to get your body used to the motions of the exercise and not overstressing your joints.

With regards to breathing, you can either do as they do in the video, which is exhaling when going down or you can do it the other way round. I find that if I do it the other way round, then I feel more of a stretch in the rib cage.

You really can do a lot of exercises just by using your own body. As such bodyweight exercises are perfect for training and exercising at home and I have incorporated them in to my home workout routine.